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SLEEP. Our bodies synthesize testosterone most efficiently while we sleep. Therefore, if you want to naturally increase your testosterone, improve the quality of your sleep. Good sleep hygiene is key. This means don't watch TV in bed, don't look at your phone in bed, don't catch up on your bills in bed, etc. The bedroom, and more specifically, the bed, should be a sanctuary for sleep. All of the previously stated things can be done elsewhere, even if it means going to bed a few minutes later. Additionally, many men have undiagnosed sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is highly associated with low testosterone.
STRENGTH TRAINING. Resistance training has been shown to increase testosterone. Increasing your overall muscle mass is likely what leads to this increase, and heavy lifting (in a safe manner, avoiding injury) is the best way to increase muscle mass.
ALCOHOL. Regular, moderate to heavy drinking is bad for your testosterone. Cutting back is not only better for your testosterone, but your general health as well.
NUTRITION. Eating a healthy balanced diet is key to optimizing the way our bodies maintain homeostasis. Ensuring your diet consists of lean proteins (whey, not soy-based), healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables is best. What we encourage our men to do is color their plates, and eat an appropriate amount for your body size and activity level.
In conclusion, increasing testosterone without actually replacing it by means of testosterone replacement therapy is simple, but not easy, and often times the gains are marginal at best. Additionally, a man with low testosterone will often lack sufficient motivation and energy needed to make these changes, ending up in a vicious cycle of good intentions with poor outcomes. We at GreaT Men's Health don't share this information with men to deter them from making these lifestyle changes, but to anticipate that many men will struggle. Failure to improve testosterone naturally can then compound the problem, generating a negative self-image, depression, moodiness, and eventually lead to men settling with the idea that there isn't anything more that can be done. (NOT TRUE!) This failure can be soul-crushing for a man. If you find yourself struggling with achieving an optimal testosterone level on your own, don't give up, give GreaT Men's Health a call! We can help!